Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Save Money On Groceries – 7 Easy Tips to Save Money on Groceries This Week

Everyone is trying to save money everywhere they can these days. Your food bill is one variable budget amount that you have a lot of control over. With a little planning you can save a lot of money but if you don’t make a plan concerning your food bill you can waste a lot of money.
Here are just 7 easy tips that you can start using on your next shopping trip to save money on groceries.

1. Use Local Ads - Look at your local grocery store ads for the week and plan your weekly menu around items that are on sale. Normally the best buys are on the front page of the ad along with produce ads on the back page. Be careful of all the items on the inside pages because sometimes they may just be at regular price.

2. Shop With A List – Make a list of all the needed items for breakfast, lunch, and dinners. Don’t forget to add in items for snacks. Only purchase what is on your list. Shop alone when possible and don’t use your cell phone while shopping. These two tips will keep you less distracted and more focused on purchasing the items you need. Remember to buy only what you need not everything you want. This will greatly reduce you food bill at the check-out counter.

3. Use Coupons – After you have made your list for the grocery store look for coupons you could use from your Sunday paper or from many of the online coupon sites.

4. Have a Full Stomach – Before you head off to the grocery store to do your shopping make sure you are not going on an empty stomach. If you are hungry you will tend to buy more food than you intended to buy.

5. Bring Cloth Bag – By bringing cloth bags for your groceries you’re not only helping the environment but you will only buy as much food as can fit in those bags. This can keep you from impulse buying or buying items you don’t really need.

6. Buy Generic – Stop buying name brand items. The more expensive price is just paying for their advertising on TV and in newspapers. Many times, especially on health and beauty products, the ingredient list will be identical for the name brand and the generic brand. So, why not save some money and buy the store brand.

7. Check Your Receipt – When you are checking out pay close attention as each item is scanned to make sure it rings up at the proper price and that the cashier doesn’t accidently ring it twice. By checking your receipt for errors you can also save money.

So, these are just a few easy tips you can use before going on your next grocery shopping trip to help you save money on your food bill.

And if you would like more money saving tips and healthy living tips please visit http://www.savemoneywith.blogspot.com/

By: Rhonda Percell – Wife, Mother of 3, Healthy Mom Who Loves to Save Money!

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