Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mom Needs a Day Off Too!

A mom is a very busy person. She is responsible for the well-being of her children and also helping out her husband as well. Sometimes, there never seems to be a moment to just think, let alone have time for her. The days fly by with cooking, doing dishes, cleaning, laundry, keeping little ones or even big ones occupied, taking care of bills, running errands, and the list goes on. But, when does Mom have a day off?

A mom needs time to recollect, think for herself, plan, and just simply have fun! It's always a blessing when one mom can get together with another mom or moms and just laugh and share experiences and maybe even advice. She needs that mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It rejuvenates her and keeps her going physically. It reminds her that other moms struggle too with children issues, maybe cooking issues, difficulties in keeping their homes clean, or whatever. And she can share those experiences and maybe even help someone else who's going through the same difficult time.

A mom cherishes the moments with friends and the laughs that they have together. It's not that the time spent with her family isn't cherished or enjoyed; a mom just needs to have adult conversation and fun too. She has goals and dreams of her own and wants to express them in ways by maybe doing an art class, joining a choir, volunteering at a shelter or food kitchen, or even teaching a class about organization somewhere! Sometimes, a mom just has ideas and creative juices flowing from her that she wants to share with others, instead of just her own family!

In closing, a mom needs a day off too! Maybe it's just to take a walk in the park by herself, go shopping, or to meet with friends. She is not considered a "bad" mom because she has desires of her own. When a mom does go have her day off, it makes her a better person for her family, because she's had time to rejuvenate, refuel, and refresh herself for the upcoming events in her life. It makes everyone in the family happy. Because after all, when "Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

Rachel G. LaChapelle is the website administrator for Baby Safety and also a stay-at-home mom for 14 years. Please visit her site for all sorts of discounted baby items.

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