Monday, February 2, 2009

Diet Cleansing – The Top 3 Things You Should Do While Cleansing to Lose Weight

Cleansing to lose weight is very popular these days. However, it is critical that you do a safe cleanse that will give you all the nutrients your body needs while cleansing.

1. Drink Your Water – It is extremely important to drink half your body weight in ounces everyday while doing a cleanse to lose weight. The water will help flush out the toxins your body is getting rid of while you are doing the cleanse.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep – Your body will need extra rest and sleep while you are doing a cleanse. Your body repairs itself and builds new cells while you are sleep. So getting plenty of rest and extra sleep while doing a cleanse to lose weight is essential. Your body may also feel extra tired during the first few days of your cleanse. This is due to releasing build up toxins in your body. The additional sleep you can give your body will allow your system to process all those toxins.

3. Light Exercise – While doing a cleanse you will want to avoid strenuous exercise. One may think heavy and long workouts would be best while doing a cleanse to lose weight but actually jus the opposite is true. You will want to do an easy walk or bouncing on a mini trampoline. These types of exercise will save you energy and assist your body by moving the toxins it is releasing out of your system.

So, as you can see by drink enough water, getting plenty of sleep and doing light exercise during your cleanse you are sure to get a great jump start to losing weight.

And if you would like more information on cleansing and eating healthy please go to You may also sign up for our free newsletter.

By: Rhonda Percell – Healthy Mom and Owner of Healthy Moms For A Healthy Family

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